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The bid is accepted after the highest bid is called 3 times; as a rule the price will rise 10%, but by at least € 5. If the limit is not reached or a lower bid below the reservation is accepted, the bidder remains bound to his bid for 4 weeks. If disputes arise about the acceptance of the bid, the respective exhibit will be called out again; this also applies if a higher bid was overlooked.
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A surcharge of currently 21% shall be charged on the price of the accepted bid, plus 19% VAT on the surcharge (total 24,99%). For catalogue items marked with #, a surcharge of 20% shall be made; the statutory value-added tax of 19% shall be added to this net price (accepted bid price + surcharge) for paintings, watercolours, drawings, original graphic arts, plastics and collections, and 19% for works of art and photography. Exports to third countries (outside the EU), and companies in EU member states who submit the VAT identification number are released from VAT. If a good successfully bid for shall be taken by the auction participant to a third country himself, the VAT shall be paid as soon as the Geble Auction House is provided with the export papers and buyer identification. The purchaser is to pay the invoice amount to the auctioneer immediately after the accepted bid is received; in the case of delays in payment, interest of 2% shall be charged for each month started. If the payment is not made or the acceptance can be refused, the object shall be auctioned again at cost to the purchaser. The purchaser is however liable for the loss; he has no claim to additional proceeds. He is therefore not released from his obligation to accept and pay until the exhibit is resold and paid for.
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On the basis of the statutory requirements of the ?VG Bild-Kunst?, a droit de suite for the purchaser shall be payable for the works marked with * in the catalogue. This amounts to 2% for accepted bids from €400 to € 50,000; 1.5% for accepted bids up to € 200,000; 0.5 % up to € 350,000 and 0.25 % for accepted bids up to € 500,000. Corresponding items are marked in the catalogue and the invoice. If objects of the Third Reich are auctioned, the following applies: If interested parties say nothing to the contrary, it shall be bindingly promised that the objects on offer are only purchased for the purposes of public information, resistance to efforts in breach of the constitution, research in art and science or history and events of the day. The Auction House only offers such items under these requirements and only hands them over accordingly.
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General information
Disabled persons attending the auction in person are asked to fill out the attached order form. The price marked on it is the highest bid ? the accepted bid can therefore also be a lower price. The orders must be submitted by the close of inspection ? in doing so the catalogue number given is binding and not the title of the object.
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The following applies for telephone bidders: Your signed and completely filled in auction order must be submitted to us 1 day before the auction. We then call you at the appropriate time (only for limits from € 200).
The following applies for new customers: Submission of a cash account or a current confirmation of creditworthiness from a bank.
It is only possible to pick up the objects successfully bid for on the day of the auction for foreign bidders and only in limited circumstances (no furniture).
If objects successfully bid for are not picked up after 8 days from the date of invoice, a storage fee of € 2 / day and item shall be incurred. Larger objects shall be stored by a carrier of our choice at the cost of the successful bidder.
Packaging and shipping of the goods successfully bid for is carried out through: Mail Boxes Etc., e-mail:
March 2021